Wednesday 15 June 2022 - 18:56
Senegalese Muslims Ready to Expand Relations with Imam Reza Holy Shrine

Manager of Senegal’s Islamic Education Institute and deputy for international affairs of Mouride brotherhood has visited Imam Reza holy shrine’s Islamic Research Foundation to get familiar with the latest research activities of the center.

Hawzah News Agency- At the beginning of the meeting, Sheikh Nalluh, manager of Islamic Education Institute of Senegal, was introduced to the foundation’s members of department of religions and was briefed by Ramezanali Izanlou, head of the department.
Talking about his research activities such as translation of holy Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah in Senegal’s native languages, Sheikh Nalluh said: “We are ready to create more interactions between holy city of Mashhad and Touba which is widely considered as a religious city in Senegal”.
Sheikh Nalluh added: “The holy tomb of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba, founder of the Senegal’s Mouride brotherhood and a fighter against the French colonialism, is located in the city of Touba”.
Nalluh went on to say: “The current caliph of the Mouride brotherhood of Senegal is really interested in Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and the Islamic Revolution; several of his children are now studying in al-Mustafa University of Iran”.
Concluding his remarks, Nalluh said: “We are ready to translate Shia reference books in Senegal’s native languages and also to use Imam Reza shrine’s experiences for better management of Mouride founder’s mausoleum”.


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